Upcoming conference - October 6, 2024 in Saint Germain-en-Laye, organized by the women entrepreneurs network
Conference "Free and Equal?
As a lawyer, I am...
Upcoming conference - October 6, 2024 in Saint Germain-en-Laye, organized by the women entrepreneurs network
Conference "Free and Equal?
As a lawyer, I am...
In France for some time now, "coercive control" has been brandished as the new term or analysis for combating violence...
Thank you Christine Angot, for your breathtaking courage in your documentary "A Family", thank you for getting your foot in the door of the denial of incest in the first place.
International Women's day !
Great we will talk about women ? Let's focus on how amazing and precious we are!
Feels good doesn't it ?
So now, you feel like ...
It's not Women's Rights Day, it's DES Femmes' Rights Day. "La femme n'existe pas" - Women's Liberation Movement...
The occa...
The CIIVISE must continue its work
The new Report on the Work of the Independent Commission on Incest and Sexual Violence Committed by Children...
My warmest thanks to the Simone de Beauvoir Center, which yesterday organized a screening of Camille Juzza's documentary series " ...
This autumn, I had the chance to intervene at the ENS and Sorbonne Nouvelle University as part of a program to prevent violence against women and children.
Back to school
It's on-boarding season for new students and recruits! Which means? It's THE time to launch prevention actions ...
Ban on leaving the country
If there is a risk of international child abduction, French family court judges can order the child's in...
I always get a little nervous when I have to explain what sexual harassment is. Soon I hear, "It's over now! Get over it!". Victims say, "It's all over now!
A few months ago, I was listening to the podcast "Biohacked: Family Secrets" where people share their experience of discovering that the man who raised them is not their bio-dad...
Upcoming conference - October 6, 2024 in Saint Germain-en-Laye, organized by the women entrepreneurs network
Conference "Free and Equal?
As a lawyer, I am...
In France for some time now, "coercive control" has been brandished as the new term or analysis for combating violence...
Thank you Christine Angot, for your breathtaking courage in your documentary "A Family", thank you for getting your foot in the door of the denial of incest in the first place.