Choralyne Dumesnil, attorney at law licensed in Paris and California

Child protection in Paris 8e (75008)

Child protection

The firm advises children, parents, grandparents, health, education and child protection professionals.

scales of justice

For example, we can assist you with

  • in family court proceedings,
  • in proceedings before the juvenile court,
  • in criminal proceedings to ensure the protection of your children or yourself.

Proceedings before the family court

The firm assists you in proceedings before the family court. For example, to rule on parental authority, the organization of visiting rights, including in associations known as "parent-child meeting places".

When an amicable agreement is possible between the parties, the firm can help you formalize it.

scales of justice

Criminal proceedings

The firm assists you in criminal proceedings to protect your children - or yourself as a minor - by acting as a civil party, in particular for victims of incest, sexual assault on minors, school harassment, revenge pornography, child pornography, pimping of minors, sexual mutilation, etc.


Proceedings before the children's judge

The firm assists you in proceedings before the children's judge, who can order, for example, measures of judicial educational investigation (MIJE) and measures of educational assistance in an open environment (AEMO).

Criminal proceedings for failure to present a child

The firm advises and assists parents wishing to protect their children from violent and inappropriate behavior committed by the other parent against them. This need arises in particular following the commission of domestic violence, which the children have often witnessed during or after the parents' separation.

The firm advises, assists and represents parents who are accused or victims of child neglect in criminal proceedings (including direct summonses).

Child abduction and international child abduction

The firm advises and assists parents involved in or victims of child abduction and international child abduction.

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