Choralyne Dumesnil, attorney at law licensed in Paris and California

Intellectual property in Paris 8e (75008)

Intellectual Property Law

The firm advises authors and entrepreneurs on the development of their creative projects, whether tangible or intangible (NFT, etc.).

Authors, Entrepreneurs with innovative projects

Know your rights

The firm provides information to help you know and understand your rights, and helps you design your intellectual property strategy.

Negotiate licenses

The firm advises and assists you in the negotiation of your licensing, study and assignment contracts for intellectual property rights, image rights, life story rights, and more.

Freedom to operate

The firm can advise you on the conditions of use of existing works (particularly in the case of collaborative projects) and the conditions of use of data (particularly personal data).

Resolve disputes

The firm can help you find the best solution to your dispute, either amicably or through litigation.

The firm advises, assists and represents you in infringement proceedings.

Specific skills

  •  Intellectual Property in international law
  •  Intellectual Property law in India
  •  French law
  •  California law

Creators, companies


The firm supports its customers in designing their innovation strategy.


The firm advises and assists its clients in verifying the availability of their trademark and registering it.


Choralyne Dumesnil Attorney at law

7-9 rue la Boétie
75008 Paris

+33 1 49 11 46 93


Monday to Friday from 9am to 7.30pm


  • Domestic Violence
  • Victims of sex & gender-based violence
  • Child Protection
  • Divorce
  • Intellectual Property Law
  • International Law
  • Workshops

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