Choralyne Dumesnil, attorney at law licensed in Paris and California

Domestic violence in Paris 8th (75008)

Domestic Violence

Choralyne Dumesnil, domestic violence in Paris 8 (75008)

Plan for safety

Based on the needs of our customers, we design a plan to ensure their safety and that of their children.

Obtain a restraining order

The firm helps clients obtain a protection order.

Press charges

The firm assists clients in drafting criminal complaints and advises, assists and represents them before civil courts (in France and California) and criminal courts (in France only).


Civil Litigation

  • Civil restraining order (JAF)
  • Requests for advances on compensation
    for damages
  • Litigation concerning parental authority and
    rights over children
  • etc.

Criminal Litigation (only in French law)

  • Drafting complaints
  • Bringing a civil action before the criminal court, the examining magistrate and the assize court
  • Restraining orders
  • etc.

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