Choralyne Dumesnil, attorney at law licensed in Paris and California

Training courses in Paris 8e (75008)


Choralyne Dumesnil, workshops in Paris 8 (75008)


Since 2014, Master Choralyne Dumesnil has been leading conferences (in person and online) on sexual and gender-based violence using a practical, multidisciplinary and cross-cultural approach.

The content is adapted to the needs of the audience, the structures and the issues encountered. It is based on practical case studies drawn from real-life situations in companies, NGOs and public institutions (education, etc.).


Audiences and procedures

  • pupils, students, doctoral students
  • supervisors, teachers

Support through the creation of information, prevention and management systems for situations of sexual and gender-based violence in companies, associations and public or private establishments.



Since 2021, training courses have been held at the following sites, among others

Sciences Po





  • 2021, Hunter College, New York City, Equality and Human Rights (in English)
  • 2016-2018, Paris Sciences et Lettres, Litigation of sexual violence in the world (in English)
  • 2016-2019, Legal Clinic at Sciences Po Paris, tutor for the Youth and Citizenship project
  • 2016-2018, Oxbridge in Paris, Human Rights (in English)


Choralyne Dumesnil has lectured on the following topics:

  • 2021, "Traitement judiciaire des violences sexuelles et sexistes en France", discussion with Olivia Tabaste, Director of the Centre d'information sur les droits des femmes et des familles (CIDFF) de Paris, Sciences Po legal clinic
  • 2021, "Legal feminism", Feminists in the city, online
  • 2020, "Traitement judiciaire des violences sexuelles et sexistes en France", with Femmes ici et ailleurs, Palo Alto
  • 2019, "Traitement judiciaire des violences sexuelles et sexistes en France", Les Rendez-vous de l'Europe, Paris
  • "Sexual harassment in higher education", DiversiTalks, École des hautes études commerciales (HEC)
  • 2018, "Violences sexuelles, ce que dit le droit", training for humanitarian associations with Dr. Violaine Guerin, Stop aux violences sexuelles, Paris
  • 2017, "Le droit contre le cybersexisme," Conseil national des femmes françaises (CNFF), Université Paris Sorbonne, (March 2).
  • 2016, "Ma thèse en 7 minutes", Diploweb, Paris
  • "Thelitigation of female genital mutilation in France", Paris Sorbonne University and Cochin Hospital
  • 2015, "Equality through law", with Nicole Ameline, French Institute of Budapest
  • "Rape in France, a legal perspective", Central European University, Budapest
  • "Rape in France", film-debate "Ne dis rien", Université Paris 3
  • 2013, "Patenting in India", focus on the pharmaceutical sector based on a study conducted through interviews with around 60 professionals, ISHTIP, International Society for the History of Intellectual Property
  • 2010-2013, "Propriété industrielle, les enseignements de l'Inde", International Global Law and Policy, Harvard Law School



  • 2015, "Mutilations sexuelles féminines et "mariages" forcés : il ne faut pas tourner la page", Le Baromaîtreno 2, December 2015
  • "L'innovation en Inde : étude de cas (2005-2012) du brevettage dans l'industrie pharmaceutique", in L'innovation à l'épreuve de la mondialisation : Réflexions autour d'un droit de l'innovation en devenir, P.-D. Cervetti (dir), Presses universitaires d'Aix-Marseille
  • 2013, "Chiasmic Edges: Short Stories from Legal Research Field Work", UPES Law Review, vol. 1, Dehradun, India
  • "Pratiques religieuses et géopolitiques, réflexions depuis Ziro, Arunachal Pradesh 2013", Diplomatie, Les grands dossiersno 16
  • 2012, "Les savoirs traditionnels médicinaux plunderés par le droit des brevets?", Revue internationale de droit économique, October 2012.
  • 2010, "Le droit de suite: quelles perspectives pour demain?", Revue Lamy Droit de l'immatériel, July 2010

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