Choralyne Dumesnil, attorney at law licensed in Paris and California

Sexual and gender-based violence in Paris 8e (75008)

Victims of sex & gender-based violence

Choralyne Dumesnil, sex and gender-based violence in Paris 8 (75008)


The firm provides legal assistance and advice to its customers.

Given the scale of this violence and the diversity of the situations encountered, the firm provides advice, litigation, disciplinary proceedings and alternative dispute resolution services in criminal law, family law, labor law, compensation law, education law, sports law, etc.

The firm has jurisdiction in French and Californian law.

Name the violence

The firm advises clients on how to qualify violence such as rape - including incest - sexual assault, sexual touching of minors, sexual harassment, revenge pornography, sexual mutilation and pimping.

Soliciting the conviction of the respondent in criminal proceedings

The firm assists and represents clients in criminal litigation, and in particular in procedures such as assistance with filing a complaint, filing a complaint as a civil party, investigative proceedings, hearings before the criminal court and the assize court...).

The firm also assists clients with procedures such as defamation, non-public defamation or slander, which are sometimes brought by the accused after the victim's word has been revealed. These proceedings are subject to specific and very short statutes of limitation (e.g. 3 months in some cases), so it's important to contact the firm as soon as possible.

Claim compensation for damages

The firm assists and represents clients in civil litigation (e.g. for compensation for damages suffered), i.e. summary proceedings to obtain injunctions, prohibitions and provisions for compensation for damages suffered.

Seek conviction of the respondent in disciplinary proceedings

The firm assists and represents clients in disciplinary proceedings (in education, business, the civil service and professional bodies), and in particular in setting up provisional measures to protect the victim.

Seeking protection in the event of sexual harassment at university

The firm is committed to helping victims and schools determined to put an end to such violence.
Advice and procedure in France and Title IX (USA) in cases of sexual harassment.


Criminal Litigation (only in French law)

The firm assists and represents you in criminal litigation, particularly in proceedings such as :

  • file a complaint,
  • civil party complaint,
  • instruction procedure,
  • hearings before the criminal court and the assize court...

Civil Litigation

The firm assists and represents you in civil litigation (e.g. for compensation for damages suffered), summary proceedings to obtain injunctions, bans and provisions for compensation for damages suffered.

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